MexAir R/C is committed to making sure you are successful in your Remote Control Hobby experience. Marty and Josh have been in the remote control retail industry for over 8 years and between the two have over 50 years of hobby experience.
To find out more about the history of MexAir R/C and directions to get here, please visit the About Us section.
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We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

We carry kits, ARFs, RTFs, Micro Indoor Planes, wood, adhesives, building supplies, tools, and everything you need to build your own model!

Multi-Rotors have become one of our primary interests. We have Quadcopters of all different sizes with and without cameras. We have even developed our own 250-class Racing Drone! Check the web store to purchase yours today!

Looking for a helicopter? We have heli's of all different sizes and skill levels. Thought it was hard?
Think again!